Alex Frew Introduces First Single, ‘Get Out Alive’

18-Year Old Canadian, Alex Frew Discusses His Latest Music, Career Debut & More

Masking himself behind his music, the 18 year old music artist Alex Frew is stepping into the lime light. With the release of his first single ‘Get Out Alive’, the Canadian talent displays a unique sound that is very easy to embrace.

The singer-songwriter wears his emotions on his sleeve while singing about love lost, fear of moving on and the unknown future. His calming vocals counter balance the painful topics that we face in our own lives and brings a sense of comforting hope.

Alex really faces up to the challenge of speaking from the heart, painting pictures of his teenage angst. The way Alex strings his words is equally as impressive as his captivating vocal skills. Alex describes his sound and emotions perfectly through his lyrics when he says, “I got a lump in my throat, and you’re making me choke again.”

Photo by: Ryan Faist / Hope Little

I got the opportunity to have a quick discussion with Alex. The conversation resonated with me as he opened up about his passions, his new single and so much more. The conversation was very genuine and humbling at the same time.

I asked Alex where his passion for music came from, where he told me about his earliest memories of music.

“For as long as I can seem to remember, music has been a relatively large part of my life. Whether it was mother playing the piano in the living room, or the toy guitar I carried everywhere from age 3-5, eventually learning to play when I was 9.”

Wondering how this started his music career, Alex discussed when he knew he wanted to be a musician.

“After discovering bands like Radiohead and Interpol later on in my early teens, I knew exactly what career path I wanted to follow.

Alex also opened up about his debut single ‘Get Out Alive’ and even told me the meaning of the song.

“Get Out Alive is a track that I consider very close to my heart, and I’m really excited to put it out into the world. I wrote the song with two fantastic songwriters/producers, Joel Stouffer and Andrew Austin. The writing for this song came very organically, as it speaks on the feeling of being stuck in a relationship, but not knowing who you are when you aren’t in it. It’s about trying to break free from something that you know isn’t healthy, despite it being painful, and maybe even a little scary.”

Wanting to know how his mind works I asked about his writing process, after hearing what Alex had to say, it really showed that he is built different. The music shows where he draws his inspirations from and the process shows his dedication and hard work.

“Often I work by keeping tons of notes and phrases in my phone or a notebook, and I eventually work my way back to them, and put the words to music. If I think anything might be promising, I take those ideas into writing sessions and work with other writers to smooth the ideas into a cohesive song. Strangely enough, I actually thought of the refrain in Get Out Alive during a math class in my senior year of high school.”

“In terms of inspiration, I try my best to write about subjects that are very personal, as I always connect the most with a song when I can relate on a deeper level with the lyrics.”

The new comer finally closed out by telling us what to expect in the near future.

“Definitely, this is the first single that will eventually lead up to entire EP sometime in the next year. I’ve been working over the past 3 or 4 years with some incredible people to put it together, and I can’t wait to finally show everyone. As of now it’s going to be 5 or 6 songs, and some cool video content that I’m really excited to share.”

Alex Frew will build his momentum with the release of ‘Get Out Alive’, he is set to take 2020 by surprise, but this young star will be one to keep an eye on. Now we let the anticipation for more music build.

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